greenhouse effect observation table

In this integrated reading and science lesson, students will explore the relationship between cause and effect. [P34, p. 180], Gleick, Peter H. 1986: Methods for evaluating the regional hydrologic impacts of global climatic changes, J. Hydrol. 88 (C 13), 8353–8367. -W., J. 1989: Hansen vs. the world on the greenhouse threat, Science Latham, Geoffrey Arthur and John Ashley Taylor (eds.) [I63, p. 167], Roberts, Leslie 1989a: Global warming: Blaming the sun, Science ; Kluwer, Dordrecht. [P104, p. 193], Hense, A., P. Krahe, and H. Flohn 1988: Recent fluctuations of tropospheric temperature and water vapour content in the tropics, Meteorol. [H38, p. 201; T], Mooney, Harold A., Peter M. Vitousek, and Pamela A. Maison 1987: Exchange of materials between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere, Science 46, 216–230. 10 (1), 81–86. 4 (2), 85–93. 28 (3), 297–314. 100 (426), 563–571. Res. 22 (2), 199–210. 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